Tuesday 7 October 2014

Hi folks,

been trying to think of what would make the editor a bit more useful, by trying to think of what new functions i could add.

So far i have come up with a few ideas:

  • A Settings function which i have already designed the interface for but not got a function for this in the editor yet.
  • A home function which would take you to the start of the level being created, without having to scroll all the way back, which would be useful for large levels.
  • An end function for same reasons as above, but take you to the end of the level.
I have also  to write the code for the delete block and delete all functions.

Have also been thinking of new ideas for the game, but decided that i have enough to be getting on with for now, without any new things to work on, although i will no doubt think of other things as i code.

Added a new main menu to the game and a colorful background, will add a screenshot next time to show you the new graphics for the main menu. Still not the finished menu yet as i dont think that it looks quite right, but the graphic style will probably be right.

cya all next time.

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