Thursday 16 October 2014

Hi guys,

not been coding for a while because i have had inflammed tendons in my shoulder and could not move my arm, getting better now but still a bit sore if i am at the keyboard for any length of time.

Anyway been tinkering with the design for the main menu, still not quite right, there just seems to be too much empty space, so dont know what to put there, i will post an image so you can see it. im thinking an animation of the main character or something.

been creating a new level but have discovered that the moving platforms do not work right yet when i save and load into game. if the platforms start moving down first then back up, all works perfectly, but if they are supposed to move upwards first then back down, they do not work. i Know what i have to do to correct it but will not be able to fix that this time round, hopefully by end of week i can get this sorted.

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