Monday 27 July 2015

Hey guys,

Started work on the In app purchases. this is just to get rid of ads for the moment. This might take me a while as i have never had any IAP in any of my apps before.

  • Created sprites to animate for death sequence.
  • implemented death sequence.
  • Had to turn physics off when sarah died and turned into an angel as she could not fly through the tiles.
  • Game now checks if you have an internet connection when loading high score table. Game would previously crash or hang until one was found. It now checks for 5 seconds before continuing without the high scores.
  • fixed a glitch when playing casual mode score was being added up before going to score screen as well when it got to score screen.
Bug fixes:
  • when viewing high score table before playing, in game score is set to lowest score in table. this has now been fixed.
  • Small glitch fixed when score was not being reset when starting new game.
  • The score was not adding up correctly in certain situations, now fixed.
  • Fixed a bug where entering name in mobile version was not working.

Known issues:
  • Game still crashing sometimes when loading new level in pc version, not as much as before though.
  • sarah as an angel does not display on mobile , ok when testing on pc.

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