Thursday 2 July 2015

Hey guys,

I`ve decided to implement the two game modes for the release version, i feel releasing with one then adding the other would take away the fun from the game and many users would miss out, as they probably would not download again after playing and uninstalling the game.

Bug fixes and additions

  • Designed casual mode and arcade mode buttons.
  • Added casual mode and Arcade mode buttons to main screen.
  • Gave buttons a slight wobble when they have been picked so you can visually see selection.
  • Fixed bug where you were not taken to level select screen after you started another game after death.
  • Casual mode now works as it should. (This mode is the game as it stood, but fixed a few bugs). 
  • Fixed bug where jewels collected were not added to score.
  • Moved the on screen scores depending on mode of play.
  • Arcade mode now works. Levels load ok. 
  • Fixed a bug in the rate me screen.
  • redesigned the final score screen for the arcade mode.
  • Fixed bug where score in arcade mode was reset at start of every level.

I thought implementing two modes of play would be difficult to implement, but turned out easier than i thought, took a bit of time but was easy to figure out what needed done. Still need to sort the scoring screens, and the final score screen for arcade mode, along with the high score tables.

 Its funny how coding tasks that you think are difficult to implement turn out easier than first thought and vice versa.

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