Monday 20 July 2015

Hey guys,

everything seems to be coming together nicely now, the high score table is now working although i have to design some graphics for it to be displayed. I was having a bit of trouble with this as new high scores were only being displayed when you started a new game, but managed to sort this out.

hopefully will be able to release game at end of August. But not promising anything at the moment as these release dates tend to be off a bit.

My to do list doesnt seem to be getting any shorter, as soon as i can cross something off, something else needs to be added. At least its not getting any bigger and should start to get smaller very soon hopefully.  :-)


  • Added a back button to the high score table, to take you back to the main menu.
  • You can now enter your name when you get a high score.
  • created graphics for high score screen.
  • Tidied up the high score name input screen, now looks ok,and name centered as you type it in.
  • High score screen now finished, all data formatted so that it looks good when printed to screen.


  • Added a "loading..." message after splash screen whilst the game is being initialised

Bug fixes:

  • The game crashed when displaying the high score table which contained less than 10 entries.  now fixed.

Known issues:

  • Sarah seems to float about for a while when you reach the end of a level.
  • Game still crashing sometimes when loading new level in pc version, not as much as before though.
  • when viewing high score table before playing, ingame score is set to lowest score in table.

Here is a new video of the latest version of game. This shows you the arcade mode being played.

Sarah in Candlyland

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