Monday 13 July 2015

hey guys,

I had an issue when the game was crashing every now and again when it was loading a new level, I think i have found the  offending code, which i have now deleted as it was redundant anyway and did not need it. Still testing though. not sure why the code was producing a crash and it didnt even happen all the time. after playing several times and no crashes hopefully this has been sorted. The crash only happened in the pc version of the game and had no effect on the mobile version.

here is the recent work i have done.


  • Changed the way Sarah flashes when she has been hit, had an issue when she was invisible for too long in certain situations, this has been fixed.
  • Changed the length of time and frequency Sarah flashes for after being hit, as the length of time was not constant before.
  • Sarah was hovering slightly above platforms when walking, adjusted her positioning  so she now stands on platform correctly.
  • Added a different sound when you collect a jewel.
  • All sounds added to level complete screen.


  • Got a basic version of the online high score table working, just need to create some graphics to display the table in the game.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a crash when new levels were being loaded in pc version.
  • Fixed: When played casual mode , then arcade mode next game the select screen menu would appear when it should not. 
  • When played casual mode the arcade mode next game it would always start at level 2, this has now been fixed, starting at level 1 now.
  • Fixed: When playing arcade mode level select screen would be updated when it should only be updated in casual mode.

Known issues:

  • Sarah seems to float about for a while when you reach the end of a level.
  • Game still crashing sometimes when loading new level in pc version, not as much as before though.

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