Monday 16 February 2015

started to change the layout of the placement editor, because i want to make the area where the sprites are to be larger to deal with more sprites, it worked ok for a few sprites but as the number of sprites increased there just wasnt enough space to place them all, so i am moving the world view window to the bottom right, which gives me much more room on the left of the window to add loads more tiles, I will also add the ability to scroll up and down the tile list when the number of tiles exceed the space available.

Have changed the structure of the game save file by adding extra world data, so have to do lots of work regarding this throughout the game and placement editor code, to take the extra info into account.

Changes made:
  • Moved the world view in editor to bottom right.
  • Moved the data panel to top right to make way for the world view panel.
  • Fixed a bug where the world view sprites were overlapping when moving world view up and down.
  • fixed bug where an extra row and column were added to the world view when moving around.
  • tile select area now enlarged, so now holds a lot more tiles. Previously only held 17 tiles before it ran out of space and now holds 119 tiles.
  • fixed bug where not all sprites could be deleted from world view to edit world data.
  • Changed the structure of the save world file to include extra world data.
  • fixed bug where new world data was not loading correctly.

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