Friday 20 February 2015

Hey guys,

changed the layout of the placement editor, to allow a lot more tiles to be shown. I have also changed the data structure of the save level file to allow more data to be saved. As a result of this i have had to go through the code to change the new layout co-ordinates in the world view as the tiles were being placed incorrectly and had to do a bit of re-coding to take into account of the new data as well. Still finding the odd bugs here and there, thats what happens when you dont really plan something and change the layout and data structures of things as you go along. I keep thinking of new features to add to the editor and as a result will also need to change the data structure too take into account of the new features. (eg, i want to add the ability to rotate tiles when designing levels, which would save me having to design new tiles in different positions, but in order to do this i will have to add the ability to store the extra data in the save level file for the amount of rotation given to the tile and then code this into the game so that it knows how to rotate the tiles and by how much.). This will take a bit of time and no doubt a i code this it will throw up a whole host of bugs that i will have to fix.

Bug fixes and additions to code:
  • Fixed bug where you would die as soon as you started level in game
  • Changed the dimensions of the springs.
  • fixed bug where the moving platforms were not being placed in the correct position in the editor
  • Fixed bug where spikes could not be deleted when using placement editor
  • Fixed bug where clouds were not appearing in game, because i had renamed them in the editor program so that the in game load level code would recognize it as a background tile, i just forgot to rename them in game.
  • Fixed bug where spikes were not being displayed in game.
  • Fixed bug where number of moving platforms was not being updated when delete all was pressed in editor.
  • You can now delete baddies from placement menu, so you can edit level.

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