Tuesday 30 December 2014

Hi Guys I think i have Sarah`s movement the way i like it for now ( i might change my mind of course as the game develops). Next i am going to work on the editor a bit and add the ability to add baddies to the game, which without these the game would be far too easy and boring. The editor will have the ability to add different baddies eventually but i will start with only a few at the moment, the ones i want to add are monsters moving left/right, up/down and firing arrows to avoid. I am going to design the menu for this and will post it when finished then the work will start to implement the chosen features into the game. Once this is done and working i will place a beta version of the game in the app store for you all to try out, so that you can give me some feedback on the game for me to work with and make game better.

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