Wednesday 3 December 2014

Hi folks,

Not posted for longer than usual because i have treated myself to a wii u, so been playing some games in my spare time, but hopefully get some more coding done more often now.

Designed the settings menu graphic, this will allow you to change the volume of the music and sound effects within the game.
Had to redesign the settings menu as it was a bit too big and did not look right on mobile devices.
This has all been coded and everything works fine now, had to rewrite code for the sound effects and music to accept the users settings as the volume for all sound was hard coded to 100%

Settings Menu

Designed a bitmap font for use in game.
Fixed a bug where the first  time you played game it was not going to select level menu and just starting from first level.
Fixed a bug where jumping sound effect was not playing on first time play.

Added new graphic for spikes
New spike graphic
Fixed a bug where the game was unlocking levels where they should have been locked.

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