Friday 26 September 2014

Hi folk

I was going to create some levels and add a level select screen to game, but realised i have got to add a few other basic elements first.
I have not got any way of finishing a level yet, unless i die. So have to create an end of level mechanism, which will be getting to the end of the level by reaching a specific portal/door/gate to trigger end of level. I was going to make it once you have collected all the stars then the doorway would open up but decided that you can still finish level without collecting all stars etc in a level, just in case you come up with a seemingly impossible star to collect, at least you will be able to continue. And the fact that it will alter peoples score in the game rather than everyone having the same score at end of level, although if i add a time element to the score this would make scores different.

save game data now includes number of total tiles in game, previously had to enter this in manually for the load level function to know how any tiles to load in.

When finished entering moving platforms in editor delete text asking for speed of platform, previously it didn't delete text when finished entering data.

Entire level is now loaded and placed before appearing on screen, previously level was displayed as it was placed on screen which meant that you could see each individual tile placed on screen as it was loaded, making level load ties longer.

Fixed bug which made a heart appear for stars collected score at top left corner of screen, Star sprite now displayed for total stars collected.

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