Monday 25 August 2014

been working on the level editor a bit more. i have got it saving the moving platforms as well as the tile information to a file ready for it to be imported into the game.

Now all i have to do is to make the main game load the file in to be displayed as the new level. need the program to convert the data into moving platforms for the main gameplay. shouldnt be too long till i have added this feature, then all i need to do is add the exit to finish the level so that the next level can be loaded.

I am getting there slower than i would like, but i can hopefully start coding a bit more now that work is not as hectic anymore.

once this is done i will post another video of a new level with moving platforms in it, so you can all see the progress i have made. and  things will start moving along at a quicker pace from now on.

cya soon guys.

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