Tuesday 8 September 2015

Hey guys,

This is a short update to let you know what i have been doing, not much coding apart from the odd tweak here and there. Mostly been working on creating  levels. The level editor has a slight bug where the baddies are not being saved correctly sometimes, so have to track the error down manually or restart the level completely sometimes. I have tried tracking the bug down but because it only happens sometimes it is difficult and would rather spend the time getting the levels completed rather than wasting time trying to fix the bug. I have tried but spent a whole day trying to find it with no success. going to rewrite the whole function again once the game is finished.

Still working on the levels, world 1 almost finished. its taking longer than i thought it would to create the levels which includes, designing and playtesting , whilst trying to make the levels challenging.

I hope to finish off all the levels and release the game at the end of the month.

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