Sunday 14 June 2015

hi Guys,

Still trying to tidy things up for a final release. I still have loads to do, but they are all little things that need to be done to tidy up and make game more polished, also finding the odd bug that needs fixed or slightly modifying screens for a better look etc, i could probably tinker about for ever, but will eventually have to release the game at some point. Anyway, things that i have done since my last post.

Bug fixes and additions

  • fixed a bug where the number of tiles being added was incorrect when adding and deleting baddies, which resulted in game save files not reloading correctly.
  • adding a few more levels to the game.
  • added some more varied tiles the levels to make them more interesting.
  • The levels created in the placement editor now save in the game folder. These were created in the placement editor folder and had to be moved manually to the game folder every time the levels were edited. This saves a lot of time when testing and editing levels.

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