Going through my code to tidy things up a bit, code lots of stuff that i dont need anymore because i left in bits of code when i changed things, just in case the changes didn`t work.
Also need to go through my media to delete sprites that i no longer use, or have changed, again i kept all the old stuff in case i decided to change things back, i might still decide to keep these but put them in a different folder so that i can use them for new projects if i need them as placeholders.
I have played about with the physics and i am sure everything is as i like it, what do you guys think?
because the physics have changed the levels need to be changed as well as Sarah does not jump as far as she did, i have kept the height that she jumped as it was though.
I have released a new version to download with all the recent changes and have added a new level to try in the beta version.
Again would be great if you could comment on any suggestions and features you would like to see in the game.
Changes and bug fixes:
- there was a slight pause when Sarah got injured, this has now been removed.
- changed the Physics(yet again :-)), i think i have got the physics right now. Sarah does not seem to hang in the air as much, and as someone commented it felt as if she was too "floaty".
- changed the image for the stars that you collect during the game.
- changed the size of the stars.
- Released a new version of the game with the recent changes.
- added a new level to beta version.