Thursday, 26 March 2015

Hey guys,

Going through my code to tidy things up a bit, code lots of stuff that i dont need anymore because i left in bits of code when i changed things, just in case the changes didn`t work.

Also need to go through my media to delete sprites that i no longer use, or have changed, again i kept all the old stuff in case i decided to change things back, i might still decide to keep these but put them in a different folder so that i can use them  for new projects if i need them as placeholders.

I have played about with the physics and i am sure everything is as i like it, what do you guys think?
because the physics have changed the levels need to be changed as well as Sarah does not jump as far as she did, i have kept the height that she jumped as it was though.

I have released a new version to download with all the recent changes and have added a new level to try in the beta version.

Again would be great if you could comment on any suggestions and features you would like to see in the game.

Changes and bug fixes:

  • there was a slight pause when Sarah got injured, this has now been removed.
  • changed the Physics(yet again :-)), i think i have got the physics right now. Sarah does not seem to hang in the air as much, and as someone commented it felt as if she was  too "floaty".
  • changed the image for the stars that you collect during the game.
  • changed the size of the stars.
  • Released a new version of the game with the recent changes.
  • added a new level to beta version.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Hey guys,

Spent ages trying to fix a bug where Sarah would keep jumping when the jump button was continuously pressed on mobile, this has now been fixed (i hope. still to test thoroughly though)
I have been tweaking the movement and collision detection of Sarah, to try and get it just right for the game, I feel the changes made provide more of a challenge, as she was jumping  too high. I have also tweaked the size of the sprites so that the game plays better overall, i feel as if i could tweak the settings forever to try and make everything work a bit better, but i will have to leave it at some point or i will never get the game done. still got loads to implement including game menus, levels, end of level screen, pause screen. this game will be free but with ads to support extra development like new levels and features etc. will try and include an in app purchase to get rid of ads for those of you that would prefer to pay me a small fee to get rid of them and make the game more enjoyable.

Once i have tested some more i will upload the latest version to the app store.

Remember to leave a comment with any bug reports, suggestions or just to say hi.

Features added and bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where sarah would jump continuously on mobile version.
  • Changed the collision detection on Sarah, slightly.
  • Changed the height that Sarah jumps, felt she jumped to high.
  • Changed the size of Sarah, made her slightly smaller so that she can fit under 1 tile height.
  • Had to tweak the jelly spring sprites. i took away the excess transparency, and changed the height and width  slightly.
  • Changed the height that the springs propel you, felt it was far too high.
  • Added a 3rd level to the beta version.
  • adjusted the height of the spike sprites as sarah was colliding with them even when she was standing on a platform and they were below her.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Hey guys,

I hope some of you have managed to try out the beta of my wip (work in progress).
I have been working on the graphics for a bit this week, going to add a new graphic for the spring which is going to change from an actual spring to a jelly that propels you up, hopefully want to add a bit of  animation to this as well so you can see it wobble

Additions and bug fixes

  • added new graphic for moving platforms.
  • added links to my blog to take you directly to my apps, for you to download.
  • adjusted the positioning of the level start/end doors
  • placing and deleting tiles in editor now faster.
  • changed the graphic for the arrow in game.
  • added new spring graphic
  • added animation to springs
  • tweaked movement of main character ( still some work to be done on this, not quite happy how she jumps)