Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Hi Guys I think i have Sarah`s movement the way i like it for now ( i might change my mind of course as the game develops). Next i am going to work on the editor a bit and add the ability to add baddies to the game, which without these the game would be far too easy and boring. The editor will have the ability to add different baddies eventually but i will start with only a few at the moment, the ones i want to add are monsters moving left/right, up/down and firing arrows to avoid. I am going to design the menu for this and will post it when finished then the work will start to implement the chosen features into the game. Once this is done and working i will place a beta version of the game in the app store for you all to try out, so that you can give me some feedback on the game for me to work with and make game better.

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Hey Guys, Been working on the movement of Sarah to try and get it just right, been trying lots of different things, but been finding it rather difficult. I know seem to think i have it right but need to change the way that the code checks for Sarah touching the platforms, so that she only jumps when her feet are touching the ground and if she is not then she falls down to the next platform. i was currently using a different algorithm to check this that just didnt feel right. hopefully when i have the code rewritten, to take the changes i want into account, then everything will work out the way it should. I need to get the movement right or the game will not play correctly, it will also help with making the game more challenging and fun to play (hopefully). This is taking longer than i hoped it would take, but feel it will make a huge difference to the gameplay. Once the movement of sarah is sorted I was thinking of releasing a beta of the game so that you could all try it out and give me some sort of feedback on what you all think, and would be a great help in playtesting the game before final release. This would help me find bugs, so that they can be fixed and you could give me feedback on the things that you like about the game and things you dont like about it.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Hey Guys.

Fixed jumping sound bug where the pickup sound was being played instead.
Fixed Pickup sound not being played when collecting stars.

Tweaked Sarah`s movement she now walks slightly slower and does not jump so high.

I also want to tweak the way sarah stands on platforms, she can stand on platforms even if her feet are not on top of them, I want her to slide of and fall if her feet are not on platform. another thing i would like is for sarah to have a bit of momentum and not stop suddenly when you stop moving her left or right, i would like her to slide a bit before coming to a stop.

all the movement tweaks will make the game a bit better and more challenging to judge the jumps, currently the game is a bit too easy to move sarah, i also want to add a few more hazards for sarah to avoid, i dont want to make the game too easy :-) .

Added a gaming store to my blog, why not visit it for all your gaming needs

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Hi folks,

Not posted for longer than usual because i have treated myself to a wii u, so been playing some games in my spare time, but hopefully get some more coding done more often now.

Designed the settings menu graphic, this will allow you to change the volume of the music and sound effects within the game.
Had to redesign the settings menu as it was a bit too big and did not look right on mobile devices.
This has all been coded and everything works fine now, had to rewrite code for the sound effects and music to accept the users settings as the volume for all sound was hard coded to 100%

Settings Menu

Designed a bitmap font for use in game.
Fixed a bug where the first  time you played game it was not going to select level menu and just starting from first level.
Fixed a bug where jumping sound effect was not playing on first time play.

Added new graphic for spikes
New spike graphic
Fixed a bug where the game was unlocking levels where they should have been locked.