Monday, 25 August 2014

been working on the level editor a bit more. i have got it saving the moving platforms as well as the tile information to a file ready for it to be imported into the game.

Now all i have to do is to make the main game load the file in to be displayed as the new level. need the program to convert the data into moving platforms for the main gameplay. shouldnt be too long till i have added this feature, then all i need to do is add the exit to finish the level so that the next level can be loaded.

I am getting there slower than i would like, but i can hopefully start coding a bit more now that work is not as hectic anymore.

once this is done i will post another video of a new level with moving platforms in it, so you can all see the progress i have made. and  things will start moving along at a quicker pace from now on.

cya soon guys.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Added a counter for stars and tiles used.
The counter for stars keeps track of them as i want 100 per level. the total tiles counter is used to work out the length of the save level file, which i need when i reload file into game.

added  more buttons to the GUI, but they dont do anything yet as i havent coded the functions for them yet.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

The GUI in the editor is coming along nicely, i have implemented a few basic  functions, but have a few new ones that i want to add as theses would help me make some great levels without have to hard code anything about the levels in the app itself. The more i can get the editor to do the quicker the levels can be made.

The editor takes a lot of time to code but eventually i will be able to turn out levels a lot quicker and that would save a lot of time, and the editor can be used for other games and apps as well as it is a standalone editor, so the more polished and more useful i can make it, will save me a massive amount of time on this and future projects.

I only plan to add functions that help me with this project at the moment with a view to expand its capabilities later and add functions that will help me with different types of games also.

Level Editor Screenshot

Saturday, 9 August 2014

I have added some background music to the platform game, which is just a short loop at the moment, i will add a longer soundtrack later.

Going to start working on the placement editor and give it a new GUI so will be leaving the platform game till i have added a few more features to it so i can start making some levels for the game.

I will post a screenshot when i have finished the layout, to show you  all my progress.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Fixed the jumping on moving platform problem. it seems to work the way it should now.

next task is to work on the level editor a bit,  making it  able to accept moving platforms.
I also need to make it reload levels already created, currently i can only save levels as i make them with no option to reload to edit the levels.

once that is done i will have to add some baddies to avoid in the game and again add these to the editor. hopefully wont take long to add these features.

Might even post another screenshot soon.

Cya all next time.