Monday 6 June 2016

Hey guys

I have been coding for a long while as i have started a new project that has nothing to do with app development, I have been busy researching how to make an arcade cabinet to run all the old arcade games. I now think i know how to make one but have to save a bit of money toget everything needed to make one.
I also bought myself an Arduino Uno and been learning some electronics so that i can eventually build some cool stuff.

Anyway, back to coding now and have been working on a new project and put the platform game on hold for the moment as i want to try something a bit different.
I am hoping to make a rogue type game which will be a bit of a challenge as i have loads of ideas for it. I think this will probably be PC only as it will be too big a project for smartphones, but ill see how it develops.

Here is a screenshot of the main menu so far.

I am going to add a few little animations to liven it up a bit. (maybe)
I`ll see what i can up with and show you an updated video when done.
The title of the game will probably change as this is just the beginning of the project and had to give it a name.

Probably not get much coding done in the coming months as work is really busy just now.

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