Monday 28 July 2014

Sorry i am taking a bit of time to post blogs, but my work is hectic at the moment and i am not finding a lot of spare time to do any coding. I hope to get a bit more coding soon.

I have tidied up a few things today, so that the game looks a bit more polished, there is a long way to go, but wanted to get this done as leaving all these things just mounts up and you end up with loads of silly little things to get done. Its just things like making sure everything gets deleted when you enter  the main menu and final score screen when you die. i also had a lot of variables being printed on different screens so i could track what was happening as i played the game, makes it much easier to debug. Everything is now as it should be and its starting to look better.

I have added some basic moving platforms, which seem to work well, but my character cant seem to jump while on them, she can move left and right but not jump at the moment. I do not know why she cant jump, but i will look at that next time.

Once that is done i will have to try and add the moving platforms to the level editor to make it easier to add the platforms for the game.

Time for bed now as it is 1.25am and i am working in the morning.

See you next time guys.

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