Wednesday 25 June 2014

Got a reply from google  and they say they have suspended Piggy bank tracker 2 free because i "engaged in keyword stuffing", which means that i  used excessive keywords in the app description. I did have a list of keywords at the end of the description, but all the words and phrases included were in the main description so i did not use any misleading keywords, however that is against the google rules, which i should have read, but how many people read the terms and conditions of things.

Anyway, my app has been suspended and cannot be downloaded anymore, so i have taken the paid for version and made it free, which means i will add ads to this.The paid for version only sold 1 copy anyway on google. i will try to add an in app purchase at somepoint which will allow you to make a small donation/payment to me, which will make the app ad free. Not sure how to do this as i have not added any in app purchases to my apps, but might be better as i could then offer more in app purchases in my other apps for extra functionalty/ levels etc in the future as i try to make bigger and better apps.

If i do add in app purchases in my games i will not make the game dependant on in app purchases and make sure that you will still be able to play the games without there being any cost to you.

I changed the links on my website so that when you click on images of the apps it takes you to the app in google play store.

Below is a video of my latest progress to my platform game, the video is not very good quality as i took it with my phone, i tried to take it on my computer but it turned out very slow, maybe i need a faster computer :-)

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