Thursday 15 May 2014

Have finally released Piggy Bank Tracker Free 2 version 2.3.6 onto the Google play store, and updated all info.

Have tested the app that i downloaded onto the store and there is a slight bug in the save goal feature but nothing serious and the app still works, I have also forgot to delete some debug info that appears on the main screen of app on the top left hand corner. I will fix this in a couple of days and release the app again.

I have started work on  KCAL calc, an app that i was asked to make to work out the nutritional information of food on the back of packaging.
Most information is for 100 grammes of the food even when the actual weight is not 100 grammes or you might not want to eat the whole amount. Some packaging does tell you the information per portion size while some does not, and was told this is rather annoying having to work it out. So my little app will let you enter portion size and ask for the information per 100 grammes that usually appears and will work out the calories, carbs, fat, etc for you. Im not going top make a fancy interface for it just now, just want something that works and see how many downloads i get, if i get quite a few will make it look prettier by making a fancy interface for it.

Uploaded KCAL Calc to google play store. should be available to download in a couple of hours.
Try it out if your on a diet or go on a diet to try it out ;-)

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