Hi folks, just a little update.
still working on website, but might take a break from it for a few days to work on my platform game. i havent got a title for it yet, so ill just stick to platform game for now. going to add a menu for the game today if i have the time, as just now you jump straight into the game.
I am pretty happy with the movement of the main character just now, but it might need a bit more tweaking. spent ages trying to get the character to move just right and think that it is almost right. will try and post a screenshot of the game within the next week, but remember that this is a very early version and all graphics are placeholders at the moment and will more than likely change before i get to the final version of the game.
Again, if you have any suggestions of what you would like to see in my platform game then drop us a comment or an email to IndieRickSoftware@gmail.com