Thursday, 29 May 2014

Hi folks, just a little update.

still working on website, but might take a break from it for a few days to work on my platform game. i havent got a title for it yet, so ill just stick to platform game for now. going to add a menu for the game today if i have the time, as just now you jump straight into the game.

I am pretty happy with the movement of the main character just now, but it might need a bit more tweaking. spent ages trying to get the character to move just right and think that it is almost right. will try and post a screenshot of the game within the next week, but remember that this is a very early version and all graphics are placeholders at the moment and will more than likely change before i get to the final version of the game.

Again, if you have any suggestions of what you would like to see in my platform game then drop us a comment or an email to

Friday, 23 May 2014

Started work on a web page to showcase all my apps. Will publish webpage when it is all finished, but will probably take a bit of time.

Will keep you all posted when it is done.

If any of you have any suggestions for new features and improvements for my apps or indeed any new apps that you would like to see, please feel free to send me an email as any suggestions are considered.

See you all soon.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Had to fix a bug in KCALCalc where the adverts were appearing over the keyboard when trying to enter data. Fixed it by moving adverts to top of screen when the keyboard is onscreen.

Monday, 19 May 2014

I got a request from a user to be able to enter any two fields into KCAL Calc so that it could work out the third. Added that feature  along with a calculate button and a clear button to clear all fields.

Recompiled and published onto the google play store and to Amazon app store.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Uploaded the paid for version of Piggy bank tracker 2.

Took out all ads to make the paid for version, changed the title graphic , info screen and splash screen, then uploaded to google play store.

I also found a major bug in the free version that if it was a new install it crashed because it could not find the save file. fixed and uploaded new version.

got a couple of projects that i have been working on that i have to go back to. one is a matching monster cards game for kids which is almost finished, but have a lot of polishing up to do, and the other is a platform game which still has a long way to go.
don`t know what one to work on, will see what i feel like tomorrow, but i would love to finish my platform game and editor for it, not worked on anything as complicated as this but i love the challenge.

see you all next time


Thursday, 15 May 2014

Have finally released Piggy Bank Tracker Free 2 version 2.3.6 onto the Google play store, and updated all info.

Have tested the app that i downloaded onto the store and there is a slight bug in the save goal feature but nothing serious and the app still works, I have also forgot to delete some debug info that appears on the main screen of app on the top left hand corner. I will fix this in a couple of days and release the app again.

I have started work on  KCAL calc, an app that i was asked to make to work out the nutritional information of food on the back of packaging.
Most information is for 100 grammes of the food even when the actual weight is not 100 grammes or you might not want to eat the whole amount. Some packaging does tell you the information per portion size while some does not, and was told this is rather annoying having to work it out. So my little app will let you enter portion size and ask for the information per 100 grammes that usually appears and will work out the calories, carbs, fat, etc for you. Im not going top make a fancy interface for it just now, just want something that works and see how many downloads i get, if i get quite a few will make it look prettier by making a fancy interface for it.

Uploaded KCAL Calc to google play store. should be available to download in a couple of hours.
Try it out if your on a diet or go on a diet to try it out ;-)

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Fixed a couple of bugs and updated the splash screens with the new version numbers.

Just have to test everything out especially the save function as have changed the structure of the save data and have to make sure the app can handle the old style structure with the new structure.

Also have to upload app to my device and test on my mobile to make sure everything works there too.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Managed to find the mystery bug, and fixed it.
Fixed some other bugs and starting to tie up all the loose ends to finally release the new version of Piggy Bank Tracker 2.
Still got to update some of the splash screens and info for the new version and a few more bugs.

Here is a picture of the main screen as it is in new version

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Tested Piggy Bank Tracker 2 today.

Found a few bugs that need to be fixed, and a few other things that i want to change. Also found a bug that seems to have arisen that was working perfectly well up until now, no idea what caused it as i have not even changed anything in that function, its  mystery, but one i have to fix before release.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

I have been working on my Piggy Bank Tracker 2 app.

Today i have added a more apps button which will take you to my apps in the google play store.
wont be long till i publish the app, with the new features.

Features added:

  • New saving goal
  • Empty bank button
  • more apps page
  • all new buttons created
  • optimized and tidied up code