Wednesday, 10 August 2016

I have been adding more content to the buy ship screen, been placing more images for ships lasers and engines. now i need to work out all the data for these systems. like power usage, re-charge times, rate of fire, max velocity etc. all systems have differences and you can add most systems to ships to customise them. Have to get the balance right between systems as well as price for the items.

lots to be done yet but should be a fun game when done eventually, its going to take a while before complete, because i want to add so much stuff to it, to make it enjoyable.
below are a few screenshots of the ships available so far, but i plane in adding loads more.

please feel free to send comments and suggestions, as well as some graphics and sprites which might get added to the game.(you will get a mention in the credits if anything you send is used in the final game).

These are the ships that are available to you at the start of the game ( the only ones you can afford)
these have various cargo capacities so you can start transporting cargo to different destinations.
These ships are by MillionthVector, you can check out his other work here