Monday 24 July 2017

Hi guys,

taken a long rest from coding as i was running out of ideas and inspiration. but hopefully thats me back now.

Stopped working on Ascendancy for now. and updating another one of my apps.
Working on Piggy Bank Tracker 3, updating it with new features and making it for tablets instead of mobile. may have a mobile version but not sure yet. The extra screen size of Tablets is ideal for what i have in mind and not sure if it would work quite so well for mobiles, but u never know. Just going to concentrate on tablet version for now.

for now i`m adding the Ability to have more than one account. So you can track multiple accounts for like savings or a child`s piggy bank as well. going to have a free version with up to 3 accounts i think and a paid for version with more features and up to 10 accounts, the free version will be fully functioning so you dont have to pay for it, only if you really want to pay for the extra features and support the continuing development of the app.

I have loads of ideas for this and may release it as soon as i have a working version and adding extra features as i code them, or just wait till i finish everything, but this would take much longer. ill see what happens as i develop this.

if anyone has any ideas then please leave a comment, want to make this the best Piggy Bank Tracker available on the app store. so tell me what features you would be looking for.


Friday 9 September 2016

He guys,

its been a while, so here's a quick update.
I am trying to implement the star map screen, i want to make the map be procedurally generated as i plan in having a lot of star systems, this is coming along slowly. I am able to generate the star systems and place stars on the map, but finding it a bit difficult trying to generate random star name, that sound like proper star names. I am continuing to develop this and is coming along slowly at the moment/ If anyone has any suggestions on how to generate random names for star system please comment, all suggestion will be looked at and considered.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

I have been adding more content to the buy ship screen, been placing more images for ships lasers and engines. now i need to work out all the data for these systems. like power usage, re-charge times, rate of fire, max velocity etc. all systems have differences and you can add most systems to ships to customise them. Have to get the balance right between systems as well as price for the items.

lots to be done yet but should be a fun game when done eventually, its going to take a while before complete, because i want to add so much stuff to it, to make it enjoyable.
below are a few screenshots of the ships available so far, but i plane in adding loads more.

please feel free to send comments and suggestions, as well as some graphics and sprites which might get added to the game.(you will get a mention in the credits if anything you send is used in the final game).

These are the ships that are available to you at the start of the game ( the only ones you can afford)
these have various cargo capacities so you can start transporting cargo to different destinations.
These ships are by MillionthVector, you can check out his other work here

Saturday 30 July 2016

Been tinkering away at my rogue type game and thought i would show you all a short video of the main screen, nothing fancy but i have dded some randomly generated asteroids that fly across the screen, as you navigate the main menu.

Ascendancy main menu

I have also got an early video of the Create a captain menu in action along with the screen where you buy your first spacecraft

These are all early screens and will probably change a bit during development, but its just to give you an idea of what the game will be like.

Monday 6 June 2016

Hey guys

I have been coding for a long while as i have started a new project that has nothing to do with app development, I have been busy researching how to make an arcade cabinet to run all the old arcade games. I now think i know how to make one but have to save a bit of money toget everything needed to make one.
I also bought myself an Arduino Uno and been learning some electronics so that i can eventually build some cool stuff.

Anyway, back to coding now and have been working on a new project and put the platform game on hold for the moment as i want to try something a bit different.
I am hoping to make a rogue type game which will be a bit of a challenge as i have loads of ideas for it. I think this will probably be PC only as it will be too big a project for smartphones, but ill see how it develops.

Here is a screenshot of the main menu so far.

I am going to add a few little animations to liven it up a bit. (maybe)
I`ll see what i can up with and show you an updated video when done.
The title of the game will probably change as this is just the beginning of the project and had to give it a name.

Probably not get much coding done in the coming months as work is really busy just now.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

hey guys

Improvements made:

  • Blocks can now be pushed left and right.
  • Blocks now stop when they hit an obstacle.
  • Blocks can now be pushed off of platforms and they fall to lower platform.
  • Updated the message box function in editor.
  • NPC function
    • menu designed for NPC function
    • can add characters to game that give you information/ help etc.
    • now saves data to level data.
    • can now delete NPCs.
    • added edit function for NPCs.
    • can reload NPC data into editor from level file.
    • All functions for NPCs in editor now functioning. (I think)

next I have to add the function in the game that takes all the NPC data from the level file, and places everything where it should in the game. I will have to design a small screen that displays the NPC along with the text  that that is displayed as he/she "talks to you"

I also  want to add  a crusher that comes down from platforms above to crush you, these will hopefully have adjustable speeds and delays. i will have to create a menu for these within the editor to be able to place them.

Once this is done it might be time for a new game as i think there will be enough new features to make it better than the last game, and more fun, with more things to do.

Saturday 27 February 2016

hi guys,

took a little holiday from coding and now i`m back, i have been working on the placement editor.
i need to add all the code to the function for adding  blocks that can be pushed to the editor and in the game itself, so that i can add the blocks when designing a level and so that the game knows what to do with the new level data.

improvements made:

  • Adjusted the code to make the blocks you can push work on touchscreen devices as well. 
  • Optimized code for the baddies menu, should be a bit faster now
  • .Movable blocks can now be placed in editor.
    • and deleted (single blocks)
    • and saved
    • and reloaded
    • and when deleting whole level
  • Movable blocks can be loaded into game from file
  • Fixed a bug where the end point and start point were not being recognized in editor when levels were being reloaded.
  • Created new menu for delete all, which allows you to cancel if you change your mind.

Bugs fixed:
  • Number of jewels was not getting reset when deleting whole level in editor. Now fixed.